Pre order PlayStation 4

Every couple of years, new gaming software hits the market. Usually it hits the market right before Christmas, which is a nightmare for parents; as almost every kid on the planet is in a "receiving" mood rather than a giving one. This means that many kids will see the game console and their eyes will light up like fireworks. Well, the same thing is going to happen again this year. On November 17th, , the Playstation 4 is going to hit stores everywhere. That means electronic stores all throughout the US are going to turn into madhouses. Why is that? Well, its a little thing called supply and demand. It wouldn't be that big a deal if there was plenty of Playstation 4s to go around, but sadly that is not the case and there is going to be far fewer console systems than people. A low amount of gaming systems and a high amount of needy customers always yields the same result, and that result is not good.

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After all, the same thing happened with the XBOX 360 last time, short supply and high demand. Even though that system cost $400, it didn't stop people from getting in line to buy one. Even if that line was 2 to 4 blocks long. Well, the Playstation 4 is priced at $600 and there is no doubt that the same scenario will ensue, if not a worse one.

If you feel that you need to get a PS4, then you undoubtedly want to get on a pre-order list as fast as possible. However, there is a problem with that task. The Playstation 4 release is only about a month away from release, and since the release of this colossal gaming system has been known by gamers for several months now, it may be too late.

It "may" be too late because it is only a few weeks away from the release of the Playstation 4, which means many store pre-order lists are already going to be filled to the brim. Thats not to say you won't get a PS4 on November 17th, but getting one without being on a pre-order list is one heck of an accomplishment, and to some a nearly impossible feat. Besides that, every day that you waste just "thinking" about getting on a pre-order list means you're that much farther away from actually obtaining a Playstation 4. The faster you act, the more chances you have.

So what can be done to get on a list? Plenty! Just because there are lots of people who want a Playstation 4, does not mean that every pre-order list is going to be full. In order to get a PS4 on the release date, you are going to have to ask around at quite a few different stores. Obviously, your going to ask the basic questions, such as "Are you selling Playstation 4s?", "Do you have a Pre-order list?", "How many people are on the list before me?", etc. But, many people fail to ask the other important questions, like: "How many PS4s shipments are you going to receive this month? What about next month?" and "When is your next Playstation 4 shipment?". Yeah, its true that not all stores will give out that specific information, but there is going be plenty of stores that will gladly give you any and all information you need.

If you do get on a pre-order list, don't stop there. The more lists you are on, the more chance you have of obtaining a PS4 on release day, or before Christmas (which is the goal of most). Although, they are called "pre-order" lists, that doesn't necessarily mean that the lists will vanish after the release day. Most of these lists will last until Christmas, and/or usually a month or two after. If people drop off the list, or do not have the money to buy the PS4 when their "time" is called, they move down and you move up. Enough drop-outs on a list and you might even get a PS4 sooner than you expected.

Theres no doubt about it, its going to be a hectic day for stores and shoppers. But if you take precautions and do a bit of research, the joys of a Playstation 4 will undoubtedly be yours on its launch date. Then again, you could always just wait 4 months and get one when the PS4 craze dies down; but thats up to you and how devoted of a PS4 fan you actually are.

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